Child and Adolescent Development Concentration

Students who wish to focus on child and adolescent studies in preparation for careers in related fields, may pursue a Concentration in Child Adolescent Development.

The concentration in Child and Adolescent Development is designed for students who wish to focus on child and adolescent studies in preparation for careers in related fields. This concentration prepares students for graduate study and for various careers that build from the foundation of interdisciplinary study of human behavior grounded in the scientific method. Career pathways may include teaching, government service, law, and the helping professions.


Career Opportunities

  • Child Advocacy
  • Day Care/Pre-School Provider
  • Marriage and Family Therapy
  • School Counselor
  • Social Work
  • Youth Services

Real World Opportunities

Mental Health Counseling: Students are provided with opportunities to volunteer at local mental health hospitals and non-profit family and youth organizations.

Research: Students have the opportunity to work closely with the psychology faculty conducting research experiments. Several students have presented these research studies at local conferences. For a list of student presentations, please click here.

Psychology Club: The Psychology Club is a student run organization that provides fellowship and guidance for those pursuing a career in the field of psychology. Volunteer opportunities are also available through the psychology club.


5 Reasons to Major in Psychology

1. Experience a variety of careers

The American Psychological Association (APA) has 56 divisions of interest organized by members of the association. These include sub disciplines of psychology to topical areas of research. What this means is that when you receive your degree in psychology you will be free to explore the area of psychology that most interests you. 

2. Enter a growing area of employment

The projects that the employment of psychologists will grow by 19 percent, twelve percent more than the average rate of growth for careers (7%). As a graduate entering the field of human services, you will be entering a growing career field with many new opportunities arising in the future. 

3. Make a difference 

Pursuing a degree in psychology helps you to help people. You will be able to develop who you are personally and professionally and in turn apply what you learn to impact the world. Whether it is through counseling and helping one person at a time, or pursuing research which will impact the field as a whole, psychology’s purpose is to learn more to make an impact.

4. You will always be learning

As with any field, there are constantly new discoveries. With psychology, you are not only keeping up on the latest changes and developments of mental disorders, but consistently learning about your patients and desired area of focus. Like humanity, this field is adaptable and versatile, meaning the things to learn about and apply to each new patient or research topic never ends. 

5. Learn transferable skills

Working in psychology means having the ability to work with and understand people, be able to research and collect data, predict trends within society or particular reactions in a particular group of people, and more. These skills are highly transferrable to careers in education, business, and more. Many students with a Bachelor’s in psychology pursue a job that their skills can transfer to as they continue their studies in a graduate program. 

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