Robb C. Ring D.Min.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Human Development


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  • B.A., Church Ministry, Pacific Christian College
  • M.A., Church Ministry, Pacific Christian College
  • 36 Units and Supervised Practicum, Marriage Family Therapy, Hope Intl. University 
  • D.Min., Concordia Theological Seminary 


  • Adult Development
  • Critical Thinking
  • Philosophy
  • Servant Leadership


  • Pastor: Christ Lutheran Church of Anaheim, 1996 - Present
  • Adjunct Professor: Hope International University, 1998 – Present
  • Adjunct Professor: Concordia University Irvine, 2009 –Present


  • Member, Conservative Lutheran Association
  • Ordained Pastor - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 


  • Theology
  • Critical thinking and logic
  • The development of relational behaviors within a psycho-social and theological-ecclesiastical context.


  • 2019, LOGIA Theological Journal, "Congregational Colloquy: A Case Study"
  • 2017, "Measurement of Comprehension of Core Faith and Practice within the Undergraduate Population of Concordia University Irvine" 
  • 2009, "Organizational Capacity Assessment, Rubrics and Analysis for Christian Elementary and Secondary Schools" 


  • Contributor; Models of Ministry - Church Leaderships that Work, Joe Grana Editor, HIU Press, 2006


  • Sailing
  • Native Species Landscaping 


"The theology of the cross directs us away from all attempts to speculate about God as hidden behind nature or the clouds of our imagination. The theology of the cross directs us to God in human flesh, God on the cross, God raised from the dead. To all the modern questions about what truth might be and what kind of claim truth might have on us, the God who is revealed in crib, cross, and crypt seizes us anew as we present him to those who have lost their way. We introduce our God on his cross. We witness to God revealed as Jesus, on the cross." -Robert Kolb 

"Cursed be any love or harmony which demands for its preservation that we place the Word of God in jeopardy" ― Martin Luther

"Signs are taken for wonders.  ‘We would see a sign!’

The word within a word, unable to speak a word, 

Swaddled with darkness.  In the juvescence of the year came Christ the tiger -T.S Eliot

