Dean, Pacific Christian College of Ministry & Biblical Studies; Professor of Biblical Studies; Chair, Graduate Ministry Program
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PhD (NT & Early Christianity), Loyola Univ., Chicago, IL
MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
BA (Theological Studies), Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
BIB1225 History & Literature of the Early Christians
BIB4400 Matthew
BIB5106 Romans and Right Relationship
BIB5115 Bible Study Methods & Tools
BIB5303 Matthew
CHM5203 Servant Leadership
THE5103 Theological Survey: Christian Beliefs
Society of Biblical Literature
Alpha Sigma Nu
Pauline Literature (especially, Romans, Corinthian Correspondence)
Rhetorical Criticism
Theological Pedagogy
Technology in the Classroom
New Testament Foundations. Newly Revised Edition. Wipf n Stock, Eugene, OR (with Ralph P. Martin), forthcoming
2 Corinthians, rev. ed., Ralph P. Martin. WBC. Waco: Word. (co-editor and contributor with Ralph P. Martin), forthcoming
1-2 Corinthians. Cornerstone Biblical Commentary. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale. (with William Baker and Ralph P. Martin), 2009
Paul’s Inclusive Ethic: Resolving Community Conflicts and Promoting Mission in Romans 14–15. WUNT 2/252. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (author), 2008
2 Corinthians, rev. ed., Ralph P. Martin. WBC. Waco: Word. (co-editor and contributor with Ralph P. Martin), 2014.
“2 Corinthians and Rhetorical Criticism.” In 2 Corinthians, rev. ed., Ralph P. Martin. WBC. Waco: Word., 2014
“The Composition of 2 Corinthians.” In 2 Corinthians, rev. ed., Ralph P. Martin. WBC. Waco: Word., 2014
“The Resurrection in 2 Corinthians.” In 2 Corinthians, rev. ed., Ralph P. Martin. WBC. Waco: Word., 2014
“The Gospel of Peace – Jesus as Savior, Benefactor, Lord, and Son of God: Exploring Imperial Cult Themes in Luke’s Gospel.” Fullerton, CA: Hope International University Press, 2013.
“Engaging Students on the Internet Using Wiki Technology to Improve Your Class Notes.” In Teaching the Bible in the Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context. Eds. Glenn Holland and Jane Webster. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press., 2012
“Paul in Acts.” In Issues in Luke-Acts. Eds. Sean Adams and Michael Pahl. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press., 2012
Reviews and Abstracts
“Review of Hate the Evil, Hold Fast to the Good: Structuring Romans 12.1-15.1 by Kuo-Wei Peng.” Review of Biblical Literature., 2008
“Review of Incandescence: Light Shed Through the Word by Ben Witherington III." Anglican Theological Review., 2007
“Review of The Gravity of Sin by Matt Jenson.” Anglican Theological Review., 2007
“Review of Understanding Matthew: the Early Christian Worldview of the First Gospel by Stephen Westerholm.” Anglican Theological Review., 2007
“Review of The Book of Acts: Form, Style, and Theology by Martin Dibelius edited by K. Hanson.” Review of Biblical Literature., 2005
Abstractor of Near Eastern Archaeology. 68.1-2 to present for Religious and Theological Abstracts., 2005-present
Abstractor of Lutheran Theological Journal. 38.3 to present for Religious and Theological Abstracts., 2004-present
Abstractor of Theology and the Arts. 16.1 to present for Religious and Theological Abstracts., 2004-present
“Components to Effective Online Teaching.” Paper Presented at the Pacific Coast Regional SBL Conference. Fullerton, CA.
“Teaching Tips: Making Friends with the Internet.” Paper Presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Nashville, TN.
“Jesus as the Son of Man: Son of Man Reflections in Light of Ezekiel, Daniel, and 1 Enoch.” Paper Presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Lincoln, IL.
“Paul’s Illiterate Reference Letter in 2 Cor 3.” Paper Presented at the Second Corinthians Unit during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. New Orleans, LA.
“Getting ‘to Know’ Biblical Exegesis: the OIDA Method.” Paper Presented at the Best Practices in Teaching Workshop during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston, MA.
“Paul's Rhetorical Strategy in Romans 14-15.” Paper Presented at the Rhetoric and the New Testament Section during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA.
“Did Anything Good Come from Wikipedia? Engaging Students on the Internet Using Wiki Technology to Improve Your Class Notes.” Paper Presented at the Teaching Biblical Literature in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context Section during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA.
“Making Your Classroom 2.0 Using Wiki and Video Technologies.” Presentation at the Creative Inquiry and the Future of Higher Education Conference for the Annual Meeting of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. San Jose, CA.
“SOM(e) Reflections in Daniel and the Similitudes.” Paper Presented at the Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity Section during the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, DC.
“Looking at the Relationship of the Seer with the Heavenly Figure in Light of Son of Man Imagery.” Keynote Paper Presented at the Loyola/Marquette Conference. Loyola University Chicago.
“Response Paper to ‘Dreams and Visions in Acts.’” Paper Presented at Engaging Particularities: New Directions in Comparative Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Theology of Religions and Missiology. Boston College.
“Persuading You of Paul’s Rhetoric in Romans 14.1ff.” Paper Presented at the Marquette/Loyola Conference. Marquette University.
Sailing, drawing, reading, going to concerts, spending time with my wife and kids
I desire to help students discover their vocation and calling as servant leaders. My teaching focuses upon scholarship, discipleship, and praxis in order to equip students to be faith-thinkers. I draw upon over ten years of academic experience and over ten years of pastoral ministry in order to help students integrate their faith and learning. My classes are student-centered, geared toward empowering students to change their world for Christ. In the classroom, I challenge students to Christian praxis, to not just have a better theology (which is important), but to be empowered by God to do something (which is crucial).